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Makeup for black hair tips

Cold defines as Pelinegras(black hair) still, you will find many types and variations - from the ordinary Brown hair to almost black and bluish. Most likely black haired catches the attention to almost everyone, especially if you color this tone. Black, dyed, has the distinction of not look natural in many cases.


The smoothness of the skin will take  an essential role when selecting  a concealer or makeup base . If you're white, try to choose beige or pink undertones to not look so pale (with the exception of the Asian, where the tone changes completely). The more dark or tanned, may choose to base beige-dorado.  For more information, see the make-up according to CoverDerm skin tone Guide.

Eyes and eyebrows

Sight dark hair cosmetics is still based in the same color, however, you should stick to the dark areas better and delineated prolix to avoid a very strong comparison. If your vision are blue or natural, opt for Brown, vanilla flavor, greyish or soft dark. For dark eyes, mauve colors, natural, bravo and delicious chocolate are positive. Recommendations: Doctors System Shine Pieces in Barbecue Sight and Naked eyes, respectively..

The eye-brows are critical for an exceptional look - White-skinned or Oriental, females must be cautious not to indicate their eye-brows with black pens, or the comparison would be dreadful. If this is your situation, a item with "universal shade" to go interpreting brow look for progressively - try Alonia Korean cosmetic shop . Were you born with black hair and abundant eyebrows? Lucky! Just make sure you Polish them with a small brush or eyebrow mascara as Ever Bilena style

Cheeks and lips

The most ideal color: light red. Modifications of this shade looks amazing in females with black locks, regardless of your skin. As guidance, adhere to the fantastic rule: smooth flowers on face to the light and more submitted in black themes. Recommendations: Korres Zea Mays Dust Impact in Pink or Apple and Yves St. Laurent Impact actual , Carmine Veil.

The lip stick and bright light red, red heated, cherry, Wine red, red freezing and Fuchsia work for the pelinegras(black hair), since it contributes that toc to them and makes them look innovative. Another advantage? Your tooth will be whiter!

Avoid them!

If you have black hair (including blue), stay away from the makeup of eyes heavy or delineated marked in black. This Council follows to the letter if you are also white, otherwise, you might see "Gothic". Orange, Fuchsia, Apple green or yellow, although permitted by your skin, do not combine with black hair because it falls in the ordinary. Get rid of black eyebrow pencils since you distorsionas factions in your face or strident orange or pink lipstick, just not go with dark hair. Needless to say that the highlighted or highlights are a resounding no on pelinegras.

Advice and care for black hair

If you go to blonde to black, it is essential that you consult a stylist before doing so at home. Believe me, is more difficult to achieve an ideal tone when change is so great. Dark hair require care simple but hard - hydrate and promotes shine with treatments or glasses.

Important recommendation: black is one of the most complicated to remove colors, had once you're not going to have many options if you decide to remove it.

Another helpful tips from Beautyrama